Roaming Through Romans: Prejudice

Romans 2:9-11

As Paul continues to deal with the prejudice of the Jews towards the gentiles concerning God, and salvation, we come to an important statement – “For there is no partiality with God” (v.11)

Partiality, or prejudice, is not a “white” thing, it’s a human nature thing that is within every race of people. One of the best commentaries on prejudice in the Hollywood narrative was in an episode of the Star Trek series.

A clear statement on racism and its inherent disutility. “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” (airdate 1/10/69) is about two half-white half-black beings from the planet Cheron who bring their senseless racial struggle to the Enterprise. Lokai is the first to come aboard the Enterprise- he arrives in a stolen shuttlecraft asking for asylum. His pursuer, Bele, soon afterwards arrives on the Enterprise asking to take Lokai back to their home planet to stand trial for political crimes. Bele explains to Captain Kirk at one point his reason for wanting to take Lokai back to Cheron. Apparently, Lokai and others like him are considered inferior because they are black on the right side of their bodies while Bele’s people are white on that side (the difference is not apparent to Kirk and the rest of the crew until Bele points it out, and the way it is pointed out makes it look silly and arbitrary.). 

We see an example in the Bible also in the Old Testament as Jonah didn’t want to go to Ninevah. God wanted Jonah to go there and tell the people to turn from their wickedness, and come to know the true God. Jonah, in his prejudice against gentiles, sailed towards Spain and this is when his disobedience was judged by God, and the remedy was for the ship mates to throw Jonah overboard where God had a giant fish waiting for him.

We are not told what kind of fish, because it didn’t matter. God loves man. God want’s man to know Him, and serve Him. God is not prejudice. Every one of us have the DNA of Adam and Eve running through our veins. Human DNA consists of about 3 Billion bases, and more than 99% of those bases are in every human. Wow!

With God, ALL lives matter. We are physical beings, but more than that is the fact that we are also spiritual beings. Our spirit is even more important because it is the REAL us! We reside in a physical body, but at some point that physical body dies and decays. At the moment of death our spirit leaves the body and is carried to either heaven, or hell, dependent on our acceptances of Jesus sacrifice on the cross for our sin, or the rejection of that sacrifice. Every spirit will be uniform in color.

Jesus Loves You!

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